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2024 Easton Empire Marieo Foster v2 Motherload SSUSA

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SHAVED and ROLLED -- 2024 Easton Empire Marieo Foster Motherload SSUSA senior softball bat.  Everyone is after this thang!  Features a 1 piece 13 inch barrel with a massive 1oz end load.  If you play in a clincher league, this is the bat for you!  Does feel stiff and swings a little heavy but it does drive the ball well.  If opting for a shave, I would keep it to level 1 to maintain durability.  Level 2 and 3 are crazy hot, but not very durable.  Overall, an excellent choice for senior play.  

** NOTE -- there is a chance if you are getting this bat shaved, decal creases, end cap shrinkage or some discoloration will occur near the end cap when removing the cap from the bat.  All new Easton slow pitch bats are vinyl wrapped (not painted) and the laminate decal tends to crease or discolor as pressure is applied.  This doesn't happen all the time, but it can happen.  If you do not want to run the risk of creasing, shrinkage or discoloration, the end cap will have to be drilled out and replaced which is $30 additional.  There is an end cap product to add to the order.  The end cap replacement is a direct match, factory cap.  Search "End Cap" on the website and add 1 to the cart along with the bat **

Lime Edition ?‍?
Triple Wall Barrel Design – Delivers explosive pop
1-Piece Composite Design
Optimized Player Weighting– Motherload
13” Barrel
Marieo Foster Signature Model
Available in 26oz, 27oz, 28oz
Approved for play in SENIOR, ISA
NO Warranty