Verified Compression Results
Posted on Posted by JP on 13th Aug 2015
I have received a few phone calls asking if we verify compression results before and after our service as proof the bat has been shaved / rolled. I assume this is in response to some of our competitors selling points and service offerings. First and foremost, let me say this..........this is absolutely pointless in proving proof of service because it is VERY easy to manipulate the compression score.
This is how a compression tester works in steps:
1) insert bat into the machine (only 1 way)
2) turn down the gauge until it zeros out
3) pull up the lever and retrieve your score
Now let me tell you a way to change that score without even touching your bat
1) insert bat into the machine (only 1 way)
2) DO NOT turn down the gauge until it zeros out
3) pull up the lever and retrieve your score
So basically I can send you all the pics you want of a compression score before and after "service" and all i did was adjust the gauge to manipulate the results. This is simply a creative way companies are trying to prove they are giving you the best possible shave / roll service possible and justify the results. It is nothing more than a marketing ploy because they know most everyone does not know the mechanics of bat compression and how it works.
We do own a compression tester and can provide these measures if you are curious to know, but never rely on simply a picture of a compression score with your bat in it to prove proof of service.